Sunday, July 10, 2011

About Me! Barnacles, I wanted to be Captain Underpants! Darn it!

Yeah, yeah, this blog is entirely pathetic because all my views are from me. I have zero followers. This blog is pathetic right now, but I shall not give up. I shall put my fist in the air and shout, "Give me freedom, or give me death!" Muhahahahaha. I sound very juvenile, but what do you expect?

So...I thought I'd at least talk about myself instead talking to myself. I hope that eventually people will read my blog. But until then, I will continue a very dignified conversation with myself about...uh politics. Or it could just about me who is the opposite of politics. Wait...would that be anarchy? Ha.

"Hello, friends, my name is Anarchy. Rawr,"

Anyway, there's something about "About Me" sections that make me want to hide. Maybe I'm like worried some random person will come out from under a bench and say, "You like poetry." And I'll be all "What the hell?"

So, I like to keep me simple even I'm not necessarily all that simple. No, I am not a pyro-maniac. No, I'm not an iguana even though they are sure tasty. (Jk.) I hope my future followers understand sarcasm because sarcasm is my vacation house where I stay in too often. And it's overcrowded with random thoughts about rainy days being sunny and vice-versa.

I thought about numbering the things about me, but then I decided that numbering is for squares...or shapes in general. So, I'm sticking with paragraphs.

I am an iguana. You see, iguanas can change colors for this thing called camouflage. And...(jk.) I'll talk about me.

Starting over: I am a writer and a poet. Though I consider writing and poetry to be kind of in the same category. I have 130 poems currently and that number is still climbing. I am working on various projects write now. (That was a very bad pun and a wrongly used word. *slaps head*) None of these projects have to be mentioned right now because well, I'm a bit behind. Anyway, I love to write!

Next, I love music. I love music so much! I could scream. Music is like sex to my ears. Well, it depends on what music. Actually, scratch that. I tell myself that I only listen to rock, but that would be exclusive really. I actually listen to various types of music like some pop, a lot of rock, classical, opera (yes. I know), and other stuff. If you want to know the types of artists I like, you can look at my profile. Yes, you there. Imaginary you because like I said. My blog has no followers and no views...unless you count mine. For a while, I pathetically refreshed the page to reach the views up to 25. Then, it went to 26, and I screamed.

That brings me to the next thing about me. I am obsessed with numbers. I love the number 25. It's like my soul number which gives me happiness inside. I love numbers that end in 5 and 0. Anything in between makes me go bleck.

I love psychology. I find it highly interesting and can read about it on the internet forever. I want to be a child psychiatrist when I'm older because I believe that childhood is the most important time of a human's life. The human mind is amazing. :)

I can get easily distracted by stuff. I'm the type of person who stares into space knowingly. I usually contemplate a lot. This makes me a person who sucks at multi-tasking. My mom will ask me for water, and I'll get a cup and fill it up. I'll be thinking about some random thing in my head. Next thing I know, I'm drinking the water and heading for my room. My mom hates when I do that.

I love nature. Nature is absolutely beautiful, and I find peace within nature. I love to go biking and just be peaceful within nature.

I'm not a fan about shopping. I know what you're thinking. A girl who doesn't like shopping. Sure, I like getting stuff for myself. But I'm horribly picky and spend almost hours in the dressing rooms. My sister and mom get so annoyed with me sometimes. I love to walk around in stores and just go everywhere. But I don't like to shop. It's a weird quirk I have. I shop when I want to and have to.

I love to read. I didn't say this right away because it's pretty much a given with writers. I love to read realistic fiction for some absurd reason. I mean, I love paranormal, sci-fi, and fantasy. I just like realistic fiction the best because it seems the most real to me. Through realistic fiction, it makes us realize more about the problems in life. And, as much as I would love to just escape into some other person's life, I come back to reality always. So, I write realistic fiction and read realistic fiction.

When I was younger, I used to make my stuffed animals talk and boy, did I create some drama between the bears. And I believe one of the bears was first a boy, then I turned him into a girl. I was a weird kid. I tried to create my own language which just turned out to be Gibberish. *shrugs* I knew how to entertain myself when I was little whether it was drawing or running around in a furniture store pretending I was a furniture saleswoman.

I am obsessed with vacuums. Sometimes, on a Sunday morning, I'll spend an hour watching vacuum infomercials. And I don't even know why. Once, when I was little, I got in trouble in Bed, Bath, and Beyond because I was actually using the display vacuum. Um....

I love little kids. I think kids are a lot more interesting than grown ups.

I am Indian. Usually, I don't let being Indian describe myself because I am not a stereotype. But it's true. Being Indian is something that influences me. Yes, I am smart. But I know a lot of smart Americans as well. Indian is my ethnicity. American is my nationality.

I love to debate even though I fail at it. I like the listening of debating. It tells a lot about a person and not just about the subject you're debating about.

I love languages. Languages interest me so much. My family speaks Tamil, and I kind of do. My family also is pretty fluent in Hindi. I am not, on the other hand, even though I really want to learn Hindi. I am learning Spanish through school, and I'm pretty advanced. Anyway, I just love languages.

My biggest pet peeve is when people use good instead of well. I've even met people who use well instead of good. I've seen teachers do it. I've seen kids do it. Little kids. You name it. It annoys me. I constantly tell my parents to use the words right.

I do not like to text. I cannot to be exact. I don't use my phone except to call my parents. I am socially enclosed in a box that consists of a laptop and lots of books. It's getting crowded in here, but I think I'll manage.

So I think I pretty much answered the definition of me. Yeah, but I'll change. I always do with what I like and what I do not like. One thing that will never change is the fact that writing is amazing. I would love to say it's my everything, but I kind of need to earn money in my future.

Oh yeah, I hate humanity, and I'm secretly a serial killer out to get you. Boo!


1 comment:

  1. Yay I am your first follower! I'm glad to learn so much about you. We have a lot in common. I knew that already, but still. Heh heh. I also love numbers that end in 5 and 0 and hate all other numbers. And I'm very picky about shopping. And ... yeah. Basically everything. :D


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