Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Dear Victoria,

If you're reading this, you have found the source of embarrassment for eternity. Yes, you  have found my 9th grade blogspot blog. Yes...blogspot blog. Not a tumblr blog. Blogspot. I was on blogspot. And I tried...for a bit. Obviously, I'm not interesting, and my blog never became pop-u-lar. My blog is still the kid who sits in the back of the cafeteria and pretends his orange peels are little figurines. (I'm funny! You better be laughing at that.) And well, let's be honest: my tumblr blog is not even more pop-u-lar. I probably should give up blogging entirely because you know...you know...but whatever! This is not about me! This is about you! You're the birthday girl!! I don't know what time of the day you are doing this. You're probably doing this during the evening time or something because you're obviously way too cool to have free time on your birthday. You probably have places to go and people to see or you know, tv shows to watch...whatever it is, I do hope you are enjoying your birthday!! I love you so very much!!

You make me unbelievably happy, and I don't really know how that is possible!! I love your smile and laugh and your eyes and skin and your hair and your everything!!! I love your personality and the way you cry during almost every  movie. I just love you okay?? And I feel like I've almost exhausted my ways of expressing how much I love you! I'm quite sad I can't buy you something nice for your birthday. I wish I could. I would definitely! That's okay though! For the birthdays to come, I can buy you lots of nice stuff and hopefully kiss your face! :)

Okay, I've run out of words. I'm going to have to skip to the gift. It's a video of me singing! And if I'm the lazy fuck I am and forget to add a link here, just message me for a link, and I'll send you one! :) Ughhh embarrassment. Your birthday gift is just me being embarrassed.

I love you!! And so once you're done with the video, you saw it. Did you like it? I haven't seen it yet. Is it good? Lolol I'm so funny. Anyway, here is your next gift: It's a quiz!!!

Again, if I'm a lazy fuck and never put the link to the quiz on here. Just text me, and I'll give you it! :P You need to get a perfect score and send me a screenshot. Then I'll give you the next clue myself! :) (PS: I MADE A LOT OF TYPOS and spelling errors okay? DOn't point them out or I'll kill you. It was late at night when I made it I think. I don't know. I'm stupid sometimes...)
